H long dreamed of systems in which services are planned, coordinated, delivered, monitored and evaluated in an integrated and efficient manner, maximizing positive outcomes for children, families and communities. Until recently, technological limitations have prevented this bold vision from becoming a reality. Today, though, the emergence of “interoperable technology” offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect systems across traditional boundaries in exciting and rewarding ways. This interconnectivity represents the cutting edge for development of new service models and approaches. Since our first Stewards of ChangeTM conference in 2005, we’ve been studying emerging technology and business trends and the impact of interoperability on new operational models in health and human services. Our research makes it clear that, just as interoperability is driving innovation in other sectors, it will transform the fundamental structure and function of human services. HE GOAL OF THE INTEROPTIMABILITY PROCESS is to create a comprehensive roadmap for pursuing interoperability across an organization. It encompasses 9 UMAN SERVICE LEADERS have Despite the profound implications of these changes, few resources have been dedicated to interoperability initiatives. There is no national clearinghouse to document best practices, study key operational considerations or provide technical guidance. Moreover, there is no handbook for leaders undertaking this complex and critical journey. To fill the gap, SOC has developed Human Services 2.0 InterOptimability, which comprises a conceptual architecture, common language and practical approach to large-scale interoperability. “Human Services 2.0” is our theory of change and long-term vision of a connected health and human services system; “InterOptimability” refers to the process we’ve designed to help organizations successfully assess, plan and implement their interoperability initiatives. This handbook takes you on a journey through that process. To get more details go to www.stewardsofchange.com. InterOptimability Process at a Glance T phases incorporating myriad business, organizational and technological factors that influence the organization’s capacity to prepare for and implement interoperability to ultimate client benefit: 1 Orientation: Getting to Know HS2.0 InterOptimability Theory and Process 2 Create a ‘To-Be’ Change Vision Landscape and InterOptimability Roadmap 3 Review ‘As-Is’ Business Processes 4 Conduct an ‘As-Is’ Information Technology Assessment 5 Evaluate Your Organizational Readiness 6 Build a ‘To-Be’ Business Process Framework 7 Develop a ‘To-Be’ Information Technology Solution 8 Perform a Gap Analysis 9 Synthesize Learning, Present Recommendations and Action Plans ENJOY THE JOURNEY!