WHO WE ARE The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a bipartisan, nonprofit membership organization representing state and local health and human service agencies through their top-level leadership. Through our member network and three national Collaborative Centers, APHSA seeks to influence modern policies and practices that support the health and well-being of all children and families and that lead to stronger communities. APHSA connects its members to national policymakers and human-serving organizations across a wide circle of stakeholders in the health and human services sector, as well as key partners in education, housing, employment, and others. APHSA also helps members build more capacity for their teams through access to our professional education and development conferences, technical expertise, publications, and our Organizational Effectiveness practice. Check out the latest APHSA Strategic Playbook —the guidebook for our action plan for the next five years. OUR VISION Thriving Communities BUILT on Human Potential OUR MISSION APHSA advances the well-being of all people by influencing modern approaches to sound policy, building the capacity of public agencies to enable healthy families and communities, and connecting leaders to accelerate learning and generate practical solutions together. APHSA CAREERS Headquartered in Arlington, VA, APHSA is dedicated to improving the lives of children, families and communities and helping all citizens reach their full potential. Working with and through our members, APHSA promotes innovation in the delivery of health human services on the federal, state, local and community levels. We believe that all of us should have the opportunity to live healthy lives and be well regardless of where we live, what our histories are or what our life experiences have been. We are a group of people who work together in smart, collaborative and innovative teams. We welcome new ideas, different perspectives and creative thinking. We respect and encourage individuality. Team members know they are working for a cause, not just a paycheck. We believe that innovating and improving human services delivery has the power to change lives. This ideology drives everything we do, every day, in support of our members and the people they serve.