Our Story HLP has been in the middle of solving complex technological and business problems since our creation in 2009. We are a unique collaborative that engages the key stakeholders who work with families on homeownership - nonprofit counselors, advocates, lenders, servicers, investors, attorneys and government. Being a national, neutral, nonprofit organization allows us to listen to all the parties and build solutions that support homeowners and incorporate the unique needs of all stakeholders. HLP was initially created to help solve the nation’s foreclosure crisis. By developing a web portal where nonprofit credit counseling agencies, attorneys and homeowners could apply for a loan modification or other solution, HLP quickly became a one-stop technology solution to help homeowners nationwide ensure that critical documents from distressed homeowners reached mortgage companies. As a result, HLP unifies the housing industry by helping individuals and families achieve and sustain homeownership. Stakeholders share information with each other via our technology platform and collaborate to find solutions to help homeowners. To date, we have helped more than 700,000 homeowners during their time of need.