2017 Funders and Partners: Altria Group, to support ParentFurther, a Search Institute resource for families. F. R. Bigelow Foundation Blandin Foundation, to support Search Institute’s partnership with the Itasca Area Initiative for Student Success. Capital One, to support Bank It, an online resource that integrates youth development and financial literacy to help teenagers and families talk about and manage their money. Cargill Foundation, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. Communities in Schools, Inc Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. Einhorn Family Charitable Trust to support our research on developmental relationships, Relationships for Outcomes Initiative. Esther Ting Foundation to learn more about the role of positive peer relationships and document their impact. Ford Family Foundation John Templeton Foundation, to support the Roots of Engaged Citizenship project (in collaboration with Claremont Graduate University and West Virginia State University) and the 2012 Laws of Life Youth Summit. Jostens MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, Inc. Minneapolis Foundation, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. National Science Foundation Otto Bremer Foundation, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. RAND Corporation, to partner in the Getting to Outcomes with Developmental Assets in Maine, which was made possible with support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Rural School and Community Trust, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. Save the Children Canada, with support from the MasterCard Foundation, to partner in Youth in Action: Creating Pathways to Opportunity. This partnership uses the Developmental Assets Profile and other measures to examine how experiential and non-formal learning opportunities contribute to improving the socio-economic status of vulnerable, rural youth in five African countries: Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Uganda. Shinnyo-en Foundation to conduct a study of youth experiences in Shinnyo-en temple and foundation activities. The study is designed to help strengthen leadership development opportunities for Shinnyo-en youth and junior youth. Spencer Foundation St. Paul Foundation Student Conservation Association, to build SCA’s system-wide capacity to intentionally and consistently produce and measure priority youth development outcomes. Target Corporation, to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. University of Arizona University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs, to co-convene a design lab with Twin Cities allies to explore community engagement in K-12 educational improvement and reform. U. S. Department of Education’s Investing in Innovation Fund (I3), to provide matching support to Search Institute’s Building Assets, Reducing Risks Innovation Project. U.S. Department of Education (Institute of Education Sciences) in partnership with Bloomington Minnesota Public Schools (BPS), Search Institute is engaging in research in a middle school and high school to explore teacher relational practices and their effect on student motivation and perseverance. World Vision International, to use Search Institute’s Developmental Assets Profile as a key measure of subjective child well-being around the world and to advance a positive approach the development with vulnerable children, youth, and families around the world. YMCA of Greater Twin Cities Youthprise