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About TNP2K The National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan or TNP2K) was created to promote coordination across ministries/agencies to improve the implementation of poverty reduction programmes, improve the living standards of the poor and vulnerable, as well as reduce inequality among income groups. TNP2K was established with Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2010 Specific Mandates: Establish a national targeting system that contains a list of the names and addresses of social assistance beneficiaries, hereinafter referred to as the Unified Database, and Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of various poverty alleviation programmes to reach beneficiaries. Both mandates are implemented through coordination with ministries/agencies. Coordination is more efficient if there is a common basis, that is, evidence from research results and actual data from the field. Main Tasks: Develop poverty reduction policies and programmes. Synergise poverty reduction programmes among ministries/agencies through synchronisation, harmonisation and integration. Supervise and control the implementation of poverty reduction programmes and activities.
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