About OWT In February 2012, Governor John R. Kasich issued Executive Order 2012-02K, creating the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation (OWT) to be led by a director reporting directly to the Governor. Acknowledging the importance of continually improving Ohio's workforce development system, in June 2015, the Governor formally continued the OWT with the issuance of Executive Order 2015-08K. The Governor also established the Governor’s Executive Workforce Board, comprised of business leaders and workforce development stakeholders, to guide the OWT's work and ensure that business needs are at the forefront of improvements made to the workforce system. View the FY2018 Annual Report View Building Ohio's Future Workforce Report Ohio's Workforce Transformation Strategy The Office of Workforce Transformation’s mission is to connect Ohio's business, training, and education communities to build a dynamically skilled, productive, and purposeful workforce. View Workforce 2.0, Ohio's Workforce Strategy for 2018 and Beyond Meet the Director Ryan Burgess was appointed Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation by Governor John R. Kasich in November 2015. The Office of Workforce Transformation is committed to identifying the needs of business, connecting businesses and workers, and aligning training to meet business needs. Director Burgess leads initiatives to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of Ohio’s workforce programs.