Welcome to the first issue of Crosscurrents, Copeland Carson & Associates' social innovation newsletter! Originally founded almost 30 years ago and incorporated in 2000, we combine the art and science of social change for justice and equity. Over the years, we have worked with corporations, philanthropies, social enterprises, donors as well as every imaginable collaborative and hybrid in between to promote our mission. We specialize in philanthropic services, evaluation, strategic planning, social innovation research, as well as social marketing and communications. Although we work primarily in the US with diverse institutions and communities, we have a growing presence in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and Asia. As practitioners and scholars we have technical expertise in about 20 different fields as well as competence in as many different languages and cultures. In Crosscurrents you will find updates about our work to bring together people, places, ideas and resources in new ways to address society's most pressing challenges. You will also learn about emergent and leading edge developments in philanthropy, evaluation and social change research. We value your interest in our practice. This newsletter is only a portal to the exciting new developments we want to share. Click on the highlighted text below to go to research and examples of some of the innovations that might help you in your work. To share your thoughts, please go to our website where you can get more details about our work and become a member of our online change agent community. We look forward to hearing from you. Jackie Copeland-Carson, President Copeland Carson & Associates