Jeffrey Z Slavin
Mayor, Town Of Somerset Maryland -Real Estate, CJ O'Shaughnessy Inc.
Michael D McCurry
Partner at Public Strategies Washington, Inc; Vice-Chair, Children's Scholarship Fund
Michael Darr Barnes
US Representative from Maryland
Joshua B Rales
Former candidate for US Senate seat in Maryland
Oscar Ramirez
Democratic lobbyist and former chief of staff to Hilda Solis
Mark Zaid
Attorney for "second whistleblower"
Ngoc Q Chu
Professor / Dentist, University of Maryland
Stewart W Bainum Jr
Former Maryland State Senator; Chairman of three companies: Manor Care, Inc., Choice Hotels International, Inc., and Sunburst Hospitality
Ralph G Neas
CEO, Generic Pharmaceutical Association
Jamie Raskin
US Representative from Maryland; former Professor of Constitutional Law, the First Amendment, Legislative Process and Law of the Political Process, American University, Washington College of Law