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About the Persuasive Tech Lab Hoover Tower at StanfordThe Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab performs research into computers as persuasive technologies and its ethical use. It is part of H-STAR, the Human Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute at Stanford University. History of the Lab The study of persuasive technology began at Stanford in the 1990s. As a Stanford doctoral student (1993-1997), BJ Fogg used methods from experimental psychology to demonstrate that computers can change people’s thoughts and behaviors in predictable ways. His thesis was entitled “Charismatic Computers.” BJ Fogg went on to found the lab in 1998. Persuasive technology is now a global area of research and design. In the early days, the lab was doing research, conducting classes, and organizing events at Stanford. Persuasive Technology Conferences Colleagues at the Eindhoven University of Technology organized the first global conference in 2006: First International Conference on Persuasive Technology for Human Well-Being. Since then, the conference has been an annual event, bringing together researchers and practitioners from around the world. Stanford University hosted the 2007 International Conference on Persuasive Technology. Oulu University and Aalborg University hosted the 2008 International Conference on Persuasive Technology. Claremont College hosted the 2009 International Conference on Persuasive Technology. The 2010 International Conference on Persuasive Technology was hosted by the Royal School of Library and Information Science in collaboration with Aalborg University and Oulu University. Ohio State University hosted the 2011 International Conference on Persuasive Technology. Persuasive Technology 2012 was hosted by Linköping University in Linköping, Sweden. The eighth International Conference on Persuasive Technology was held in 2013 in Sydney, Australia. Persuasive Technology 2014 was held in Padua, Italy. Persuasive Technology 2015 came back to the USA and was held in Chicago, IL. PT-16 was hosted by the Center for Human-Computer Interaction / Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg in close cooperation with the with the Business Unit Technology Experience (Innovations Systems Department) at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Persuasive Technology XII (2017) in was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The thirteenth Persuasive Technology Conference (PT-18) will take place in Waterloo, Canada in 2018. Learn more about persuasive technology People often ask how they can learn more about captology. First of all, read the material on this website. After that, check out some of the items below: Read the book Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. Read the book Mobile Persuasion. See the website of BJ Fogg, who is our lab’s founder and director. Sign up for the free newsletter from our lab.
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