Leadership & Staff
Sierra Heitkamp
Young Republican
Kevin Ritterman
CEO of Dakota Commercial
Mary Alice Bergan
Koch Network Donor; Supporter of/Donor to Donald Trump; ND-Based Industrialist; "Retired Homemaker"
John Hoeven
US Senator from North Dakota (2011-present)
Jim Arthaud
CEO, MBI Energy Services
Howard A Dahl
President and CEO of Amity Technology, LLC
Doug Burgum
Governor of North Dakota, Former Owner of Great Plains Software
Robert W Pereira
Construction executive, Middlesex Corporation
R Todd Slawson
President/Engineer - Slawson Exploration, Denver Colorado
Steve Scheel
Chairman of Scheels All Sports
Janice McNair
Widow of NFL football owner Bob McNair
Richard Estey
Nevada Restaurant Services, parent company of the Dotty’s chain of taverns
Richard H Roberts
Retired CEO - Mutual Pharmaceutical, Lakewood New Jersey
Sierra Heitkamp
Young Republican
Connie Nicholas
Cando, North Dakota school system
Lonnie Laffen
Grand Forks North Dakota business leader and former state lawmaker
Shannon Roers Jones
Attorney and ND State Representative
Jim Roers
CEO and ND State Senator