MISSION STATEMENT Women in Listed Derivatives (WILD) promotes networking and relationship-building among women in our industry through social and educational events. Our mission is to highlight and learn from industry role models, encourage career development and support the advancement of women in listed and over the counter derivatives. ABOUT US Women in Listed Derivatives (WILD) is an organization founded by derivatives-industry women with a unified goal: to promote the advancement of women in our industry. WILD’s network includes more than 1,000 women globally. Our group of dynamic and motivated women members hail from diverse backgrounds including: management, technology, sales & marketing, trading & clearing and customer support. Our group provides networking opportunities, promotes career advancement through knowledge sharing and mentorship programs and helps women develop skills and relationships. We organize networking events, hands-on educational workshops on practical topics like effective use of social media and informal gatherings throughout the year. WILD raises awareness about the benefits of women in senior management positions and helps prepare women for boardrooms through panel discussions, workshops and high-profile speakers. With research pointing to a direct correlation between women in senior management positions and successful bottom lines, it is a natural progression for us to promote women in our own backyard.