"The Asheville City Council is composed of a mayor and six council members who are elected at-large for four-year, staggered terms. The mayor, who is chosen on a separate ballot, presides over City Council meetings and serves as the ceremonial head of government. The mayor does not have the power to veto council action. In the absence or disability of the mayor, the vice-mayor performs the mayoral duties. The vice-mayor is appointed by the members of City Council. City Council determines the needs to be addressed and the degree of service to be provided by the administrative branch of city government. Asheville City Council has the authority to: Determine policy in the fields of planning, traffic, law and order, public works, finance, and recreation; Appoint and remove the city manager; Adopt the budget, levy taxes, collect revenues, and make appropriations; Appoint and remove the city attorney and city clerk; Authorize the issuance of bonds by a bond ordinance; Establish administrative departments, offices and agencies; Appoint members of the city boards, commissions and committees; Inquire into the conduct of any office, department, or agency of the city and make investigations into municipal affairs; Provide for an independent audit; and Provide for the number, titles, qualifications, powers, duties, and compensation of all officers and employees of the city."