Leadership & Staff
Karen Grabow
Retired Land O'Lakes Executive
Rich Richey
Land O Lakes Inc.
Chris Policinski
President & CEO, Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Grow North
Carlson School of Management
No on 37 Coalition
Anti-GMO labeling coalition
Child Organizations
Winfield Solutions, LLC
Ag chemical and seed company
Land O’Lakes’ Dairy Foods
Business division of Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Make It. MSP.
a strategic initiative of the GREATER MSP Partnership to make the Greater Minneapolis-Saint Paul region one of the country’s top performers at attracting, welcoming and retaining people.
Connext MSP
inclusive talent network, united by an ambition to ensure that young professionals of color in the MSP region are recruited, hired, and supported by local employers as they launch their careers
USMCA Coaliton
Coalition that pushed for the passage of the USMCA
Services & Transactions
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Office that facilitates global trade on behalf of the United States
Food and Drug Administration
Public health protection agency
Environmental Protection Agency
US government agency for environmental protection created in 1970 by Pres. Nixon
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Miscellaneous Relationships
MBOLD Coalition
Growing Innovation in Food & Agriculture
2014 Multi-Industry Letter on Immigration Reform
By US Chamber of Commerce to Congress