Philanthropic foundation for education and arts for "disadvantaged" kids
People Have Given To
People with positions in Wallace Foundation have made donations to
Hillary Victory Fund $100,200 Richard Kauffman
Brookings Institute $100,000 Richard Kauffman
National Republican Senatorial Committee $85,400 Kevin W Kennedy
Mitt Romney $79,000 Kevin W Kennedy, W Don Cornwell
Democratic National Committee $74,950 W Don Cornwell, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Kauffman
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Political Action Committee, the $53,500 Kevin W Kennedy, Richard Kauffman
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $51,400 Richard Kauffman
National Republican Congressional Committee $43,100 Lawrence T Babbio Jr, Kevin W Kennedy
Verizon Communication Inc. Good Govt Club $42,412 Lawrence T Babbio Jr
Scott P Brown $35,800 Kevin W Kennedy
Barack Obama $34,100 Kevin W Kennedy, W Don Cornwell, Ann S Moore, Candace K Beinecke, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Kauffman
Republican National Committee $32,800 Lawrence T Babbio Jr, Kevin W Kennedy
Hillary Clinton $27,450 Lawrence T Babbio Jr, W Don Cornwell, Candace K Beinecke, Richard Kauffman
Nrsc-Building Fund $25,000 Kevin W Kennedy
Time Warner Political Action Committee $20,000 Ann S Moore
Magazine Publishers of America PAC Fka Magazine Publishes Association PAC $18,000 Ann S Moore
Goldman Sachs Political Action Committee $16,000 Kevin W Kennedy
Chuck Schumer $15,277 Lawrence T Babbio Jr, Kevin W Kennedy, Susan J Kropf, W Don Cornwell, Ann S Moore, Candace K Beinecke, Richard Kauffman
Every Republican is Crucial PAC $15,000 Kevin W Kennedy
Volunteer PAC $15,000 Kevin W Kennedy