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Pivot Learning’s dual funding model leverages private investment to develop and test tools, programs and processes in pilot districts and then scales the most innovative and effective solutions across our network of partners at an affordable cost. Our focus on implementation offers funders the opportunity to invest in real-world “proofs of concept” that are then replicated to make widespread impact and can drive broader policy solutions. As we create new solutions and continue to catalyze the deep-rooted, systemic change needed to revitalize public education, we thank you and welcome your continued support. Since 2015, Pivot has received gifts from the following supporters: Boeing California Collaborative for Education Excellence California Community Foundation California Education Policy Fund (a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors) City National Bank S.H. Cowell Foundation Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation William & Flora Hewlett Foundation James Irvine Foundation Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Silver Giving Foundation Sobrato Family Foundation State Farm Stuart Foundation Executive Leadership Center and Masterful District Leadership Sponsors Association of California School Administrators BCA Architects Bergman Dacey Goldsmith Blach Construction Blackboard Dale Scott & Company Girard & Edwards Illuminate Education Imperial County Office of Education K12 Insight NextLesson Ray Morgan Company SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
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