Board Members
Niki Calloway
secretary of US Inc
Dale Herder
high school principal, English professor, department chair, dean, academic vice president, and interim college president, he is retired and resides in Northern Michigan.
Francis W. "Frank" Harness
Rear Admiral, US Navy, Retired
Richard J Clark
attorney; former senior trial counsel for Automobile Club of Michigan; board member of US Inc
John E Fought
accountant; Treasurer of US Inc
KC McAlpin
CPA, previously employed by Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)/ executive director of ProEnglish
John Tanton
Founder of anti-immigration organization Federation for American Immigration Reform
The Remembrance Project
tax-exempt organization with PO Box in Houston, Texas
Oregonians for Immigration Reform
Oregonians for Immigration Reform works to stop illegal immigration
Child Organizations
Social Contract Press
Publishing wing of white nationalist organizations founded by John Tanton
non-profit organization that defends English's historic role as America's common, unifying language, and to persuade lawmakers to adopt English as the official language at all levels of government