Leadership & Staff
Amanda Ferndandez
Founder/CEO Latinos for Education
Amanda Fernandez
CEO/Founder of Latinos for Education- served as Vice President of Latino external engagement at Teach For America
Andy Canales
Teach for America Alum, working on ed "reform" pro charters and privatizing education
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
$13.5 billion of assets under management.
Walton Family Foundation Inc
Philanthropic foundation affiliated with family that owns Walmart
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
By bringing world class engineering to the front lines of science and education, we can build new tools and technologies that help organizations scale.
Walton Family Foundation Inc
Philanthropic foundation affiliated with family that owns Walmart
Janette Garza Lindner
Candidate for Houston ISD trustee district 1
Miscellaneous Relationships
Leadership for Educational Equity
membership-based org for former TFAers anti-union, pro charter schools