ADDENDUM: Effective January 1, 2004, The Livingston Group and Zeliff, Ireland & Associates, two high-profile government relations firms in Washington, DC announced that they will merge under The Livingston Group banner. Recognized as one of the fastest growing government relations firms in Washington DC, The Livingston Group, LLC was founded in 1999 by former Congressman Bob Livingston, a Louisiana Republican who during his 22-year career in the House served as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and Speaker-Designate. The firm provides comprehensive public affairs, government relations and lobbying services on a national and international basis. Former U.S. House Members Andy Ireland, Republican of Florida and Bill Zeliff, Republican of New Hampshire established Zeliff Ireland & Associates in 1998. They were subsequently joined by Joan Galvin, a former Congressional staff member, who later served as Vice President for Government Relations at Feld Entertainment, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, and Director of Communication at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida; and Craig Annis, a former Congressional staff member and Administrative Assistant to the Mayor of Manchester, NH. -- From Livingston Group press release dated 01/04/2004.