Leadership & Staff
Scot Mussi
President, Arizona Free Enterprise Club
Board Members
Eric J Crown
Insight Enterprises
Dean Riesen
Managing partner of Rimrock Capital Partners
Daniel Brophy
Retired Commodities Trader - Chicago/Jackson Wyoming/Scottsdale
Randy Kendrick
GOP Fundraiser
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
American Commitment
Phil Kerpen's campaign money laundering 501c4
Save Our Future Now
Arizona-based "social welfare" nonprofit that has spent on Arizona Corporation Commission and state legislative elections
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
60 Plus Association
60 Plus is often viewed as the conservative alternative to the AARP
Doug Little
Republican Chairman of Arizona Corporation Commission
Tom Forese
Republican Member of Arizona Corporation Commission and former state legislator
Doug Ducey
Former Republican governor of Arizona, former state treasurer
Concord Fund
hub of well-funded politically conservative "dark money" network
American Federation for Children
Education reform group founded in 2010 by billionaire Republican donor Betsy DeVos
Miscellaneous Relationships
Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE)
Conservative legal group founded by former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr