Leadership & Staff
Gretchen Hamel
Koch operative
Board Members
Michael O Hartz
co-head of the Chicago Trusts and Estates practice, Katten
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
Public Notice
Koch-backed anti-government & oppo research 501c4
American Commitment
Phil Kerpen's campaign money laundering 501c4
60 Plus Association
60 Plus is often viewed as the conservative alternative to the AARP
Koch-funded voter database; c4 front for i360
Generation Opportunity
Koch youth front group
Public Engagement Group Trust
Koch dark-money 501c4
Concerned Veterans for America
Koch-backed 501c4 for right-wing veterans
Concerned Women For America Legislative Action Committee
501c(4) arm of the conservative Christian women's activist group
Freedom Partners Shared Services
501c4 hub for Koch non-profit network
Services & Transactions
Holtzman Vogel
GOP political law firm and lobbyists