Green Cards and EB-5 Visas for sale through San Francisco Real Estate Developers. Pushed through by the Mayors of San Francisco as well as Senator Nancy Pelosi "Bay Area Regional Center is committed to delivering a secure immigration gateway to foreign investors, and economic stimulus to the San Francisco Bay Area . We are meeting this commitment through well-positioned commercial real estate investments in public and private business partnerships." From SFWeekly: 'The company first gained government recognition under the U.S. investor visa program in 2009 under the name Golden State Renaissance Ventures, founded by former East Bay law firm manager Eric Chelini. It has stumbled with some proposed ventures, such as a biotech incubator in the Dogpatch neighborhood. But the company picked up speed in 2011 as city and federal officials backed an effort to use it to jumpstart development at Hunters Point. "If I had to diagram this project, it would look like a family tree with lots of extra little problems," says Judy Nadler, senior fellow in government ethics at Santa Clara University. "Brown as chair and principal of this financial services firm stands to benefit financially, probably in a significant manner. So I'd say that the skeptic would look at this and say this pretty much looks like an inside deal."'