Detroit-based philanthropic organization
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Detroit Economic Club David B Lewis, Gerard M Anderson, Terence E Adderley, James B Nicholson, Debbie Dingell, W Frank Fountain, David T Fischer, Florine Mark, Cynthia J Pasky, William F Pickard, David T Provost, Ken Whipple
Business Leaders for Michigan Gerard M Anderson, James B Nicholson, Gary Torgow, Matthew P Cullen, Florine Mark, Cynthia J Pasky, William F Pickard
Detroit Regional Chamber Matthew P Cullen, George G Johnson, W Frank Fountain, David T Fischer, Kouhaila Hammer, Florine Mark
DTE Energy Alfred R Glancy III, Eugene A Miller, Gerard M Anderson, Paul Hillegonds, James B Nicholson, W Frank Fountain
Hudson-Webber Foundation Reginald M Turner Jr, Matthew P Cullen, W Frank Fountain, Joseph L Hudson Jr
Wayne State University Foundation Alan E Schwartz, Maggie Allesee, David M Hempstead, Gary Torgow
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation David B Lewis, Eric Larson, Matthew P Cullen, Cynthia J Pasky
Detroit Institute of Arts George G Johnson, John D Lewis, Bonnie Larson
Downtown Detroit Partnership Gerard M Anderson, Eric Larson, Matthew P Cullen
General Motors Company Debbie Dingell, Matthew P Cullen
Detroit Zoological Society Matthew P Cullen, George G Johnson
The Kresge Foundation Steven K Hamp, Paul Hillegonds
Invest Detroit Edward J Miller, Matthew P Cullen
Talmer Bancorp, Inc Gary Torgow, David T Provost
Council for Economic Education Michael E Bannister
Ford Motor Credit Company LLC Michael E Bannister
Hampton University W Frank Fountain
Clark Hill PLC Reginald M Turner Jr
Urban Land Institute Eric Larson
Siebert Brandford Shank & Co Sean Werdlow
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Updated about 2 months ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Philanthropy, Other Not-for-Profit
Aliases Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan
