Susie Ahn
Health Policy Specialist at Foley Hoag LLP and Former Senior Legislative Assistant for Mike Honda
Kelly Childress
Lobbyist and Former Health Policy Advisor for Mike Rogers
Philip Burling
Retired Partner - Foley, Hoag & Eliot
Laurie Burt
Former Massachusetts DEP Commissioner
Paul R Murphy
Former Legal and Administrative Counsel, Amherst College
Lindsey J Toohey
Healthcare lobbyist and former staffer to Kent Conrad
Board Members
Michael B Keating
Foley Hoag attorney
Barry B White
Partner at Foley Hoag LLP
Eli Lilly & Co
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products
Amgen Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, medical devices
Abbott Laboratories
Global, broad-based health care products company
Genzyme Corp
Pharmaceutical/Health Products
Pfizer Inc.
Pharmaceutical, consumer and animal health products manufacturer
Merck & Co. Inc.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Biogen Idec
Health Issues
Gilead Sciences, Inc
Biopharmaceutical company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Global biopharmaceutical company
Food and Drug Administration
Public health protection agency
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The United States' Health and Human Services Agency
Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services
The United States' Medicare and Medicaid Agency
White House Office
Includes multiple levels of presidential advisory boards and advisors
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Miscellaneous Relationships
Massachusetts Question 3
MA bathroom bill