Leadership & Staff
Heidi Gantwerk
President and CEO of the San Diego Jewish Federation
Lisa Kalal
Development director at San Diego Hilllel
Board Members
Graeme Gabriel
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
Awarded and facilitated $62 million in 4700 grants to more than 1000 organizations in San Diego, the United States, Israel and worldwide in 2008-09
Anti-Defamation League
U.S. NGO fights antisemitism, extremism, hate, bias
Birthright Israel Foundation
Supports the education of members of the Jewish community
Stand With Us
also known as Israel Emergency Alliance and StandWithUs
Impact Cubed
Philanthropic org with a heavy focus on funding Israel-related initiatives, sponsors visiting Israeli professors at UC San Diego
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)
Initiates and helps support educational, social, cultural, and recreational programs & facilities for the young men and women soldiers of Israel who defend the Jewish homeland.
Jewish Federations of North America
Formed from 1999 merger of United Jewish Appeal, Council of Jewish Federations, and United Israel Appeal
Miscellaneous Relationships
2016 San Diego Community-Wide iEngage Conversation
a program including study of the iEngage curriculum, Jewish Values and Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Raul Campillo
San Diego City Councilmember, District 7
Rich Leib
Chairman of the University of California Board of Regents