By the 1990s, Mystic Seaport was widely recognized as the nation’s leading maritime museum. In 1996, Mystic Seaport underscored its mission to create a broad public understanding of the relationship of America and the sea with a six-week seminar entitled America and the Sea, which encouraged college professors from around the country to incorporate maritime history into their teachings. In 1998, Mystic Seaport began construction of the freedom schooner Amistad–marking a major educational program centered on the re-creation of an historic vessel from the keel up. Mystic Seaport is making the history of America’s relationship with the sea even more accessible to all-new audiences. As part of a $35 million renovation that includes new exhibit halls and reception areas, the Museum’s state-of-the-art Collections Research Center provides easy and convenient ways for scholars and researchers from around the world to access Mystic Seaport’s renowned archives, via the Internet and integrated databases.