Steve Stringer
Technical Staff Los Alamos National Labs
Joseph W. Kennedy
Co discoverer of Plutonium
Jill Sanborn
Executive Assistant Director of the FBI's National Security Branch
Jamil Farshchi
Chief information security officer, Equifax
Kurt Steinhaus
Superintendent Los Alamos, NM School District
Robert Hockaday
Nuclear physicist; entrepreneur
Klaus Lackner
Ewing-Worzel Professor of Geophysics, Earth Engineering, Columbia University
Joanne Wendelberger
Statistician, Los Alamos National Labs
William E Ogle
Scientific commander of the first thermonuclear tests off Eniwetok Atoll in 1952
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
Responsible for overseeing the nation’s nuclear weapons complex
World Wide Web Consortium
Collaborative to Develop Standards to Realize the Potential of the Web
The COVID-19 High Performance Computing (HPC) Consortium
private-public consortium launched by the White House during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Center for Fracture of Geo-Materials
CFGM is a partnership between Los Alamos N.L., Northwestern University, and the Colorado School of Mines.
Services & Transactions
The Babcock & Wilcox Company
Power Generation, Government Services
Miscellaneous Relationships
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Military’s research hub
Manhattan Project
US World War II Initiative To Develop Atomic Weapons
The Procter & Gamble Company
World's largest consumer packaged goods company
Education Data Optics Center
Program of National Laboratory for Education Transformation
Computational Social Model of the Education System
Los Alamos National Labs with San Jose Unified Schools and NLET
National Laboratory for Education Transformation
Non-Profit Promoting Ed-Tech and ICT Education