This committee of the US House of Representative considers bills and issues which pertain to infrastructure and transportation. It also oversees agencies, programs, and activities within this broad jurisdiction. The following activities and entities are generally included in the committee's responsibilities: - Transportation (civil aviation, railroads, water transportation, transportation safety, roads, bridges...) -Transportation infrastructure, transportation labor... -Federal management of emergencies and natural disasters - Flood control and improvement of rivers and harbors - Commercial space transportation - Coast Guard and related services - Inland waterways - Merchant marine vessels inspection - Navigation and laws relating thereto - Vessel and small boats registration - Rules and codes to prevent collisions at sea - Merchant marine, Marine affairs - Public buildings and occupied or improved grounds of the United States generally - Construction or maintenance of roads - Public works for the benefit of navigation, including bridges and dams - Oil and other pollution of navigable waters - Related transportation regulatory agencies (except the TSA) - Water power