Bain & Company, Inc.
Ken Chenault, Monica Higgins
Ken Chenault
The Procter & Gamble Company
Ken Chenault
American Express Company
Ken Chenault
Harvard University
Ken Chenault
Harvard Business School
Monica Higgins
Ken Chenault
Business Roundtable
Ken Chenault
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
Ken Chenault
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Ken Chenault
Ken Chenault
National Museum of African-American History Council
Ken Chenault
Bloomberg Family Foundation
Ken Chenault
The Broad Foundation
Monica Higgins
Standard Chartered International (USA) Ltd.
Ken Chenault
Monica Higgins
New York University Langone Hospital – Brooklyn
Ken Chenault
President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness
Ken Chenault
New York City Regional Economic Development Council
Ken Chenault
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Monica Higgins