Fonkoze is one of the few MFIs in Haiti that is truly grass-roots. Fonkoze was founded in 1994 by a Haitian Catholic priest who started the institution with little more than a vision: a vision to provide the means for all Haitians, even the poorest, to participate in the economic development of the country. His target group was women, because as he declared, “Women are the backbone of the Haitian economy and the doorway into the family unit." Our comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation includes the following services: Micro-credit, using a solidarity group methodology of lending Small and medium sized business development loans to strengthen businesses Savings products Currency exchange services Money transfer (remittance) services Literacy, business skills, women's health, children's rights and environmental protection education for borrowers Social impact monitoring Life and credit microinsurance Housing rebuilding and repair for member-clients following the earthquake of January 2010