Leadership & Staff
Laura Matos
Principal, M Public Affairs
Thomas Meara
Senior Associate, M Public Affairs
Rich Bamberger
former Cuomo Communications Director
Maggie Moran
President and CEO, M Public Affairs
ASGK Public Strategies
PR firm co-founded by David Axelrod
ASGK Public Strategies
PR firm co-founded by David Axelrod
Services & Transactions
Growing Economic Opportunities
527 Organization "organized and operated to advance the interests of members of the Laborers' International Union of North America"
Jobs For New York
REBNY's independent expenditure committee
Fighting for Our Future PAC
Independent Spender in the 2013 New York City Election
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Atlanta, GA based airline
Savannah Guyer
Media Buyer at Amedia, LLC
Greater New York Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust
"GNY LECET is a jointly managed trust fund of the Mason Tenders District Council and its 1500 signatory contractors. Our mission is to generate business opportunities for union contractors."
Miscellaneous Relationships
PR firm, formed from merger of ASGK Public Strategies & M Public Affairs