Reader's Digest teamed up with research firm The Wagner Group to poll over 1,000 Americans and discover which individuals and the ideals they represent have earned our confidence. Published May 2013

Government Bodies

Govt Body People
White House Iraq Group Condoleezza Rice
Office of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
NYC Commission on Women's Issues Katie Couric
Administrative Conference of the United States Antonin Scalia
Task Force on National Health Care Reform Hillary Clinton
Defense Innovation Board Jeff Bezos
Trump Manufacturing Jobs Initiative Alex Gorsky
Supreme Court of Texas Anthony M Kennedy
Senate Armed Services Committee Hillary Clinton
Airland Subcommittee Hillary Clinton
Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee Hillary Clinton
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Barack Obama
State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration (Ad Hoc) Subcommittee Barack Obama
Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security Subcommittee Barack Obama
Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Barack Obama
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Hillary Clinton
Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee Hillary Clinton