Name |
3M Cogent Global biometric identification solutions provider to governments, law enforcement agencies, and commercial enterprises |
Airborne Biometrics Group, Inc (FaceFirst) Creator of FaceFirst, a leading facial recognition technology for law enforcement and retailers |
AMREL "one-stop shop for your rugged mobile computer needs." |
Animetrics Worldwide provider of facial biometric technologies for law enforcement |
Axis Communications Develops cameras with face-rec and advanced eavesdropping ability |
BIO-key Develops software for Apple fingerprint identification |
Biocatch Behavioral profiling |
Biomatrica A firm that specializes in preparing biological samples for DNA testing |
Claremont BioSolutions |
Cognitec Systems German company, develops software/algorithims for facial recognition. |
CredenceID Creates biometric "enrollment tech" for US, India, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. |
Crossmatch A leading identity management and biometric technology company |
DataWorks Plus Consulting/provider of biometric solutions for law enforcement, criminal justice, and government agencies. |
ID Technology Partners Biometric consulting and technical services firm |
Integrated Biometrics Developer and manufacturer of FBI Certified fingerprint biometric sensors |
International Biometrics Industry Association Association that promotes the biometrics industry |
IRIS ID Iris ID was the first company to license, produce and market a commercially viable iris recognition product |
L-1 Identity Solutions Now MorphoTrust USA, a subsidiary of Safran; develops face recognition systems and other biometric technology for governments |
L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. homeland defense products and services |
Lakota Software Solutions Provides software to the biometrics industry, started by Northrop Grumman alum |
Lumidigm, Inc. Leading fingerprint sensor developer |
Luxand, Inc. Artificial Intelligence and biometric ID firm |
Morpho USA Safran USA's security division; world’s largest biometric company |
MorphoTrak, LLC Biometric and identity management |
MorphoTrust USA, LLC Very large biometrics company. Subsidiary of Safran (Morpho), formerly L-1 Identity Solutions |
NEC Corporation Electronics company; Japan's first venture seeded by foreign capital, established by U.S. firm Western Electric Company |
Neurotechnology Lithuanian company that makes algorithms for biometric fingerprint, face, iris, voice and palm recognition. |
Office of Biometric Identity Management DHS's repository and analytical center of human biometric information |
QUALCOMM Incorporated Designs, manufactures & markets digital wireless telecommunications products & services. |
Realface Israeli cybertechnology startup that makes facial recognition technology |
S.I.C. Biometrics Canadian company that invented fingerprint identifier tech for iPhones/iPads |
Safran USA, Inc. Advanced technology products for aviation, defense, and security sectors in the US |
Sagem Avionics Inc |
Security Identity Biometric Association Leading trade group for the biometrics-in-law-enforcement industry |
Sensifree Develops contact-free electromagnetic sensors to collect human biometric data |
SimplifIDe Inc. Company developing biometrics solutions to replace passwords |
Skincential Sciences Company with an innovative line of cosmetic products marketed as a way to erase blemishes |
Unisys Provider of IT services, systems integration, consulting, and server technology. |
Vision-Box Developer of border control identity management and security solutions |