To be the catalyst for industry collaboration on initiatives that simplify healthcare administration for health plans and providers, resulting in a better care experience for patients and caregivers.
People Have Given To
People with positions in Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare have made donations to
Olympia Snowe $1,000 Ronald A Williams
Joe Sestak $1,000 Ed Hanway
Rudy Giuliani $1,000 Ed Hanway
Reuniting Our Country PAC $1,000 Ed Hanway
Jack Reed $500 Ronald A Williams
Jess Brown $500 Ronald A Williams
Don Sherwood $500 Ed Hanway
Ron Wyden $500 Ronald A Williams
Michael Huffington $350 Ronald A Williams
Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare
Updated about 15 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Industry/Trade Association