People Have Given To
People with positions in American Museum of Natural History have made donations to
Trump Victory $549,400 Victor F Ganzi, Rebekah Mercer
American Legislative Exchange Council $465,000 David Koch
Hillary Victory Fund $374,592 Charles E Phillips Jr, Steven A Denning
Club For Growth Action $350,000 Richard Gilder, Rebekah Mercer
Barack Obama $340,930 Richard D Parsons, Richard C Holbrooke, Charles E Phillips Jr, Frank V Sica, Lewis W Bernard, Steven A Denning, Theodore Roosevelt IV, Helene D Gayle, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Fiona Druckenmiller, Stephanie Bell-Rose, Vivian H Donnelley, Richard Gilder, Helene L Kaplan, Judy H Weston, Rosalind P Walter, Jonathan F P Rose, Richard L Revesz, Alan Rappaport, Valerie S Peltier, Lorne Michaels, Peter J Solomon, Joseph H Gleberman, Thomas E Freston
Nancy Pelosi $305,200 Roger C Altman, Laura Baudo Sillerman
Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research $300,000 David Koch
Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund $300,000 Roger C Altman
Acton Institute $297,500 David Koch
Texas Public Policy Foundation $296,516 David Koch
Biden Action Fund $291,000 Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Joseph H Gleberman
New Yorkers For Proven Leadership Inc $290,100 David Koch
Philanthropy Roundtable $263,700 David Koch
Gatestone Institute $250,000 Rebekah Mercer
Center For Equal Opportunity $240,000 David Koch
Institute for Energy Research $237,000 David Koch
Senate Majority PAC $220,000 Charles E Phillips Jr, Roger C Altman, Joseph H Gleberman
Property and Environment Research Center $219,500 David Koch
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $200,620 Richard D Parsons, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Fiona Druckenmiller, Helene L Kaplan, Ilene Sackler Lefcourt, Judy H Weston, Laura Baudo Sillerman, Jonathan F P Rose, Thomas E Freston
Brookings Institute $200,000 Ellen V Futter, Steven A Denning, Roger C Altman
American Museum of Natural History
Updated over 3 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Membership Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Cultural/Arts
Aliases AMNH

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