Cyalume Technologies Holdings, Inc.
Jack Keane
Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
David S Cohen
Directorate of Science and Technology
Sue Gordon
United States Institute of Peace
Judy Ansley
Office of the Secretary of State
John B Bellinger III
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc
Mike Rogers
United States Military Academy - West Point
Jack Keane
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Michael V Hayden
Amazon Web Services LLC
Teresa Carlson
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
Keith B Alexander
Alion Science and Technology
Michael V Hayden
Department of the Army
Keith B Alexander
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Jack Keane
Central Security Service
Keith B Alexander
Intelligence and National Security Alliance
David Shedd
Paladin Capital Group
Jeremy Bash
NSA Advisory Board
Ted Schlein
Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the US Intelligence Community
John B Bellinger III
Institute for the Study of War
Jack Keane
SCP Partners
Jack Keane