Secretary of State under George W Bush; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George H W Bush
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Colin L Powell
PersonCommon Orgs
George P Shultz US Department of State, Office of Management and Budget, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council, Foreign Policy Association
Henry A Kissinger US Department of State, Atlantic Council, Foreign Policy Association, Schwarzman Scholars
Madeleine Albright US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council, Foreign Policy Association
Condoleezza Rice US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council, Schwarzman Scholars
Meghan O'Sullivan US Department of State, White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
Anne-Marie Slaughter US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
David L Goldwyn US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Peter Orszag Office of Management and Budget, White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
Stephen J Hadley US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Joseph S Nye Jr US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
James Addison Baker III US Department of State, Atlantic Council, Foreign Policy Association
Jack Lew US Department of State, Office of Management and Budget, White House Office
Peter Bass US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Charles E M Kolb Office of Management and Budget, White House Office, America's Promise Alliance
John C Whitehead US Department of State, Atlantic Council, Foreign Policy Association
Robert Kimmitt US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Warren Christopher US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Policy Association
Thomas R Pickering US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Sylvia Mathews Burwell Office of Management and Budget, White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
Robert Rubin White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations, Schwarzman Scholars