People Have Given To
People with positions in Tenet Healthcare have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Sherrod Brown | $4,000 | Floyd D Loop, Vanessa Benavides |
Jon Kyl | $4,000 | Keith B Pitts |
Raul Ruiz | $4,000 | Trevor Fetter, Keith B Pitts |
Mariner Health Care Inc. Federal Political Action Committee | $3,750 | Keith B Pitts |
Congressional Majority Committee | $3,500 | Trevor Fetter, Stephen L Newman, Teresa Huskey, Janelle Blanco |
Al D’Amato | $3,500 | Edward A Kangas, Floyd D Loop |
National Republican Senatorial Committee | $3,500 | James A Unruh, Ronald A Rittenmeyer |
Joe Sestak | $3,400 | Bob Kerrey |
Arlen Specter | $3,000 | James A Unruh |
McSally for Senate | $3,000 | James A Unruh |
Richard Blumenthal | $3,000 | Trevor Fetter |
Al Franken | $3,000 | Bob Kerrey |
Marsha Blackburn | $3,000 | Keith B Pitts |
Mike DeWine | $3,000 | Floyd D Loop |
Bill Frist | $3,000 | Floyd D Loop, Keith B Pitts |
Rob Portman | $3,000 | Meghan FitzGerald |
Blanche L Lincoln | $3,000 | Bob Kerrey, Keith B Pitts |
Martha McSally | $3,000 | James A Unruh |
Angie Craig | $3,000 | Vanessa Benavides |
Elizabeth Dole | $3,000 | Edward A Kangas, Floyd D Loop |