Professor, University of Notre Dame
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Daniel K Lapsley also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
James Becker Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Valerie C Rubsamen Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Maurice Tempelsman Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Joe Andrew John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Thomas Eldon Hayhurst
Norman Kaplan John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Thomas Eldon Hayhurst
Peter A Georgescu Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
David Boies Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Betsy Krieger Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Gordon A Macinnes Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Alice Kramer Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Robert McCarthy Jr Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Felix G Rohatyn Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
William E Little Jr Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Reuben Munger Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
James L Brooks Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Sandra H Robinson Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
David L Cohen Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Mark Gallogly Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Kristin Mugford Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Thomas A Leonard Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Daniel K Lapsley
Updated almost 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic
Gender Male