Retired Professor, Alma College
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Carol W Slater also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Ann Jewett Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Amy L Lowrey Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers, America Women Vote! 2002
Clyde Shorey Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Kimberly Oxholm Barbara Boxer, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Gary Peters, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Michael F Fink Barbara Boxer, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers, America Women Vote! 2002
Edith Dee Cofrin Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Mildred Weissman Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, America Women Vote! 2002
Fannette Sawyer Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers, America Women Vote! 2002
Yoriko Saneyoshi Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Eugenie C Havemeyer Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Joanne Lyman Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Betty Castor, America Women Vote! 2002
Elizabeth Colton Barbara Boxer, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Gary Peters, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor
Joy S Mankoff Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers, Michigan Women Vote 2000!
Bayard T Storey Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Gary Peters, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Sally Minard Barbara Boxer, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Olga L Mack Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Mary Jo Kilroy, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Renata Schwebel Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Lynn N Rivers, America Women Vote! 2002
Wendy Wolf Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers
Millicent Anisfield Barbara Boxer, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mary Jo Kilroy, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, America Women Vote 2000!, Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers, America Women Vote! 2002
Willie Campbell Barbara Boxer, Darlene Hooley, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Carol Moseley Braun, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, America Women Vote 2000!, Power and Leadership in the US Senate (Plus), Betty Castor, Lynn N Rivers