People Have Given To
People with positions in Advocacy Group have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Al D’Amato | $2,000 | Robert J Dotchin |
Scott P Brown | $1,750 | Robert J Dotchin |
National Republican Congressional Cmte | $1,750 | Robert J Dotchin |
Steve Israel | $1,750 | Robert J Dotchin |
Mary Landrieu | $1,750 | Robert J Dotchin |
Hal Rogers | $1,750 | Robert J Dotchin |
Heartland Values PAC | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Jim Bunning | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Tommy Thompson | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
John Boozman | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Michael K Simpson | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Olympia Snowe | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Arlen Specter | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Bill Frist | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
John D Hayworth Jr | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Newt Gingrich | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Ann Kirkpatrick | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Boozman for Arkansas | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac) | $1,500 | Robert J Dotchin |
Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the | $1,250 | Robert J Dotchin |