People Have Given To
People with positions in Princeton-Newport Partners have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Joe Biden | $4,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Brian Baird | $4,000 | David Gelbaum |
Daniel Inouye | $4,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Paul Ryan | $3,500 | Andrew Shechtel |
David Edward Bonior | $3,000 | David Gelbaum |
Richard Burr | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Spencer Abraham | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Bill Nelson | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Michael Ferguson | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Michael G Fitzpatrick | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Mike Lee | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Tim Murphy | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Ben Nighthorse Campbell | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Wayne Curtis Weldon | $3,000 | Andrew Shechtel |
Kweisi Mfume | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |
Susan Collins | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |
Lindsey Graham | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |
Collins for Senator | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |
Cory Gardner | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |
Kelly Loeffler | $2,800 | Andrew Shechtel |