Attorney, Gallagher and Kennedy
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Dean Short also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Warren Florkiewicz Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Beth Coons Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Jon Kyl
George G Daniels Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Jon Kyl
Dana K Anderson Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Jon Kyl
Steven G Mihaylo Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Christopher W Clements Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Craig R Barrett Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
James E Brophy III Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Nathan Sproul Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Stephen O Evans John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Samuel G Coppersmith, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Jerry Bisgrove Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Jon Kyl, Steven Carl Moak
Richard Gilder Jeff Flake, John McCain, Bill Bradley, Jon Kyl, Pete Domenici V
James Ogsbury John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Samuel G Coppersmith, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Romano Romani John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Samuel G Coppersmith, Jon Kyl, Pete Domenici V
Steve Gordon Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Nina Wadsworth Jeff Flake, John McCain, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Jon Kyl
Scott Tonn Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Jon Kyl, Steven Carl Moak
Mary Lou Fulton Jeff Flake, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Melanie Efune Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Wendy Briggs Jeff Flake, John McCain, Matthew James Salmon, Arizona Republican Party, Jon Kyl
Dean Short
Updated over 7 years ago

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