US Senator from Tennessee
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Fred Dalton Thompson also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Carl H Lindner III Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Lodwrick M Cook John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III
John W Bode Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Suzanne Pulliam Murphy John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III
Bennett S Lebow John McCain, Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account, Kansas Republican Party - Federal, Mitt Romney
Howard M Lorber John McCain, Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account, Kansas Republican Party - Federal, Mitt Romney
William M Street Jim Cooper, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Lisa Barry Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Hazel Shanken John McCain, Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account, Kansas Republican Party - Federal, Mitt Romney
John William Poduska Sr John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III
Fred M Fehsenfeld Jr Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Marvin Ray Shanken John McCain, Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account, Kansas Republican Party - Federal, Mitt Romney
James Callan Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Tom McClintock
W Allan Jones John McCain, Zach Wamp, Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account, Mitt Romney
Paul Cambon Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Zach Wamp, Mitt Romney
Powell Moore John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III
Edward A Lozick John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Frank Guinta
Bruce D Benson John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Steve Gill
Arthur J. Decio Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney
Marlene Malek John McCain, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III
Fred Dalton Thompson
Updated over 1 year ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Political Candidate, Elected Representative
Gender Male
Birthday Aug 19 '42
Aliases Fred Thompson