Mitt Romney
Sarah Lenti
American University
Robert Kagan
John M Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs
Bill Kristol
Project for the Republican Future
Bill Kristol
Manhattan Institute
Bill Kristol
US Foreign Service
Eric Edelman
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Bill Kristol
Elliott Management
Dan Senor
Bush-Cheney Re-election Campaign 2004
Sarah Lenti
Bush Cheney 2000
Sarah Lenti
Fox News Channel
Dan Senor
Scott Pruitt
Sarah Lenti
Rosemont Solebury Capital Management
Dan Senor
New York Daily News
James Kirchick
America Abroad Media
Dan Senor
The Weekly Standard
Bill Kristol
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
James Kirchick
United States Institute of Peace
Eric Edelman
Emergency Committee for Israel
Bill Kristol
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Bill Kristol