Richard Hugh Baker
Henry M Paulson Jr
Arlen Specter
Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr
Jack Ryan
Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr, Arthur Peponis
Hillary for America
Amy Hood
James P Moran
Michael D Fascitelli
Paul Ryan
Michael D Fascitelli
Hillary Victory Fund
Amy Hood
Commonwealth PAC, the
Thomas S Roberts
Idaho State Democratic Party
Henry M Paulson Jr
Free and Strong America PAC Inc.
Michael D Fascitelli
Defend America PAC
Henry M Paulson Jr
Microsoft Corporation Political Action Committee
Amy Hood
Henry M Paulson Jr
Alan Khazei
Thomas S Roberts
Barack Obama
Michael D Fascitelli, Amy Hood
Stephen G Pagliuca
Michael D Fascitelli
Rob Portman
Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr
Bob Menendez
Michael D Fascitelli
John Kerry
Michael D Fascitelli, Marcus J Dash, Arthur Peponis
Oklahoma Leadership Council
Michael D Fascitelli