Tag: anti-choice
People and organizations that oppose reproductive freedom
    Piotr Uściński
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Deputy Minister of Development and Technology, Member of the Polish Parliament, member ...
    Aketch Aimba
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Founder and Director of Kenya-based crisis pregnancy center Pearls & Treasures Trust
    Calum Miller
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Anti-abortion advocate from the United Kingdom affiliated with Canopy Global
    Elyssa Koren
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Lawyer and UN Advocate
    Javier Puente Redondo
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Former Spanish senator from Cantabria
    Will Witt
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Popular social media influencer and personality at the conservative nonprofit PragerU
    Rodrigo García
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Vicepresidente JUVI Monterrey, México
    Carlo Maria Vigano
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Arzobispo católico italiano retirado que desempeñó diversos cargos dentro de la curia v...
    John T. Bruchalski
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Pro-life gynecologist and director of the Tepeyac Family Centre, one of the largest pro...
    Chinda Concepción Brandolino
    0 anti-choice relationships
    "La mujer de la ola celeste". Líder de movilizaciones sociales provida y profamilia, pa...
    Marta Lorena Alvarado
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Fundadora del Comité Pro-Vida de Honduras. Ex diputada y ex vicecanciller.
    Guadalupe Batallán
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Activista provida de Argentina, voluntaria de Frente Joven y miembro de Fundación Libre...
    Kristan Hawkins
    0 anti-choice relationships
    President, Students for Life
    Scott G. Stewart
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Mississippi solicitor general
    William Wolfe
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Christian nationalist, former Trump administration
    Carlos Ramírez
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Presidente de ChooseLife México y Dirigente del ProLife Army
    Carlos Bernal Pulido
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Ex-magistrado de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, abogado y profesor universitario.
    Pat Robertson
    0 anti-choice relationships
    conservative televangelist, media mogul
    Felix Böllmann
    0 anti-choice relationships
    Senior legal counsel for ADF International
    Steve King
    0 anti-choice relationships
    US Representative from Iowa (2003-2021)