Tag: corporate-mapping-project
Data from the Corporate Mapping Project
    Mitt Romney
    1032 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
    Bill Bradley
    317 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former US Senator from New Jersey; Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC
    Joe Lieberman
    248 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former US Senator for CT (1989-2013); Vice President nominee (2000)
    Tom Daschle
    234 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Lobbyist. Former US Representative & Senator from South Dakota
    Al Gore
    204 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Vice President of the United States 1993-2001
    Evan Bayh
    204 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Democratic US Senator from Indiana
    Erskine B Bowles
    175 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Clinton's chief of staff from 1996-1998; investor; deficit hawk
    Ed Markey
    167 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    US Senator from Massachussets (2013-present); former US Rep from Massachusetts (1977-2013)
    Mary Landrieu
    167 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    former Democratic US Senator from Louisiana
    Blanche L Lincoln
    165 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    lobbyist, former representative and senator from Louisiana
    Dick Gephardt
    164 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former House Minority Leader (D, MO)
    Kelly Ayotte
    163 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former Republican US Senator from New Hampshire, gubernatorial candidate
    John E Sununu
    158 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former US Representative and Senator from New Hampshire
    Spencer Abraham
    134 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former Energy Secretary, US Senator from Michigan
    Harold Ford Jr
    132 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Managing director at Morgan Stanley; former US Representative from Tennessee
    Dave Camp
    104 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    former US Representative from Michigan
    Bill Weld
    102 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    2020 GOP presidential primary candidate; former governor of Massachusetts
    Ken Salazar
    91 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Biden Ambassador to Mexico; Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, fo...
    Mel Martinez
    89 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    US Senator from Florida
    Ronald Kirk
    88 corporate-mapping-project relationships
    Former Director, Office of the United States Trade Representative (Confirmed 3-18-09)