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Pain and Profit in Sovereign Debt

How New York can stop vulture funds from preying on countries


Los 21 Fondos Buitre al Acecho del Gobierno Central de Puerto Rico: Impugnaciones, Inversiones, Insider Trading

Los 21 fondos buitres que acechan al gobierno central de Puerto Rico presentaron nuevos informes financieros. Ahora sabemos más de sus tácticas: Comprar los bonos cuya legalidad ellos mismos impugnan y aprovechar la pandemia de coronavirus.


The 21 Vulture Funds Stalking Puerto Rico’s Central Government: Legal Challenges, Investments, Insider Trading

The 21 vulture funds that stalk Puerto Rico’s central government filed new financial disclosures. Now we know more of their tactics: Taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic, challenging the legality of bonds while buying them.
