Type Funder
Goods SUPPORTERS LegatumLogo THE LEGATUM GROUP Legatum is a private investment partnership with a 30 year heritage of long term value creation through investments in global capital markets. Legatum invests proprietary capital in listed businesses with a focus on identifying hidden or unrealised value in investment themes that are often played out over years. The firm’s Mission is to generate and allocate the capital and ideas that help people live more prosperous lives. Legatum has a particular focus on encouraging and enabling entrepreneurship, the engine of growth and development, with the view that it is the catalyst for improved governance and social transformation. Legatum’s investment in the Center equips Legatum Fellows with the skills they need to succeed, not just as entrepreneurs, but as agents for change who will transform society and improve global wellbeing. Further social development initiatives through the Legatum Foundation, the development arm of the Legatum Group, have led to investments which have impacted over 240 million people since 1999. To learn more about Legatum, visit www.legatum.com. MCFLogo MASTERCARD FOUNDATION The Mastercard Foundation advances microfinance and youth learning to promote financial inclusion and prosperity. Through collaboration with committed partners in developing countries, Mastercard Foundation is helping people living in poverty to access opportunities to learn and prosper. The Mastercard Foundation’s Youth Learning Program is committed to preparing youth to engage in the economy and lead change in their communities. The Program focuses on three key interlinked thematic areas: enabling post-primary learning, facilitating entry into the workforce and supporting entrepreneurship. Young people represent the world’s present and future workforce-innovators, entrepreneurs, educations, scientists and leaders. Approximately three-fourths of the world’s 1.5 billion young people live in developing countries. They need relevant 21st century skills, including the ability to apply knowledge, innovate, solve problems, use technology and develop entrepreneurial opportunities. The Mastercard Foundation believes that by investing in youth learning, young people could become the basis for sustained economic and social development. The Mastercard Foundation’s microfinance program focuses on three areas: expanding microfinance in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing young people with access to microfinance, and strengthening the microfinance sector. The MasterCard Foundation seeks to expand access and promote financial inclusion to improve the quality of life for people of all ages. To learn more about the Mastercard Foundation, visit www.mastercardfdn.org. HRH PRINCESS MOUDI BINT KHALID The Royal Family of HRH Princess Moudi in Saudi Arabia has committed to supporting Legatum Fellowships through a generous gift to the Legatum Center. The HRH Princess Moudi bint Khalid Fellowships prepare citizens and long-term residents of Saudi Arabia for entrepreneurial careers that contribute to economic and social progress in the region. JFoundation JACOBS FOUNDATION The Jacobs Foundation invests in the future of young people so that they become socially responsible and productive members of society. In order to achieve this goal, children and youth must be given better opportunities for positive development and equitable access to education. Whatever their background, place of residence or family income, all children should have the chance to reach their full potential. Early childhood plays a key role in this context; research has shown that this is the most important developmental phase in a person’s life. Moreover, educational programs and resources need to address each child’s individual needs. In the 21st century, new technologies aimed at facilitating individualized learning are becoming increasingly important. This is why the Jacobs Foundation is funding global research on learning and child development, supporting innovative scientists and implementing practical projects in early childhood and rural livelihoods. To learn more about the Jacobs Foundation visit https://jacobsfoundation.org/en/.
Updated about 5 years ago

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