Start Date 2011-00-00
Notes Innovation Teams We partnered with Bloomberg Philanthropies to support a growing network of cities with dedicated innovation teams that developed and deployed bold ideas to tackle the biggest issues facing city governments. See more from Innovation Teams Display Steven Bosacker Display Owen Stone Given all the challenges cities face, local leaders need reliable, dedicated capacity to generate good ideas and bring them to life. Towards strengthening that capacity, Living Cities partnered with Bloomberg Philanthropies on its Innovation Teams (i-teams) program. Living Cities led efforts to connect the growing network of cities with i-teams and to share emerging learnings from this work with the field. Part of Bloomberg Philanthropies' Government Innovation portfolio, the i-teams program was created in 2011 to address barriers to innovation in city government and deliver change more effectively to citizens. Innovation teams function as in-house innovation consultants, moving from one city priority to the next. They support agency leaders and staff through a data-driven process to assess problems, generate responsive new interventions, develop partnerships, and deliver measurable results. Using the tested, successful Innovation Delivery approach, i-teams greatly reduce the risks associated with innovation, and provide mayors and city leaders with assurance in their ability to develop and implement effective solutions to their highest-priority problems. Living Cities employed multiple tactics, from dynamic in-person forums, to webinars, a digital platform for conversation, blogging events, and a social media strategy to create opportunities for i-teams to learn from each other and for other cities and urban practitioners to learn from the i-teams' efforts.
Updated over 4 years ago

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